Weihnachtsfeier 2023Christmas Party 2023

1. Dezember 2023December 1, 2023

Altes Kraftwerk BaselAltes Kraftwerk Basel (Former Power Station)


An der Weihnachtsfeier werden wir wieder eine klassische Fotobox aufstellen. Die dort geknipsten Bilder werden im Anschluss allen und intern zum Download angeboten. Der Link dazu wird nach der Feier kommuniziert.

At the Christmas party we will again set up a classic photo box. The pictures taken there will then be offered to everyone and internally for download. The link will be communicated after the party.


Altes Kraftwerk BaselAltes Kraftwerk Basel (Former Power Station)

Lehenmattstrasse 353, BaselLehenmattstrasse 353, Basel
40524052 BaselBasel

The former Power Station is located in the middle of a district with an atmosphere of urban density that is unique for Basel. Where industry produced and the area established itself, the Old Power Station is a historical monument for various projects. We are using the event area to hold this year's Christmas party and are looking forward to a combination of authentic factory charm and Christmas atmosphere.


Dear guests,

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The embedded video will appear here after you click the preview button or go to the published website.
